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The transfer of power in Iraq


Document A/1866
3 June 2004

The transfer of power in Iraq


submitted on behalf of the Political Committee2
by Mrs Papadimitriou, Rapporteur



The Assembly,

  1. Considering the urgent need to establish conditions guaranteeing fundamental rights, freedom, security and prosperity for the people of Iraq;
  2. Stressing the utmost importance of proceeding with an appropriate transfer of power and sovereignty to the interim government in Iraq;
  3. Welcoming the constitution of the interim government and the nominations of Mr Ghazi al-Yawar as President of the Interim Government and of Mr Iyad Allawi as Prime Minister;
  4. Stressing that the United Nations must play a leading role in the process of political transition in Iraq;
  5. Considering in that context the draft resolution currently under discussion in the UN Security Council, which is to follow up Resolutions 1483 (2003) and 1511 (2003);
  6. Recalling Assembly Recommendation 720, adopted on 4 December 2002, which underlined, among other things, the need to ensure the continued integrity of Iraq's existing territory and borders, as well as the right of the people of Iraq to decide freely on their own future;
  7. Stressing the importance of establishing a democratic and stable political system in Iraq and of giving every support to the efforts the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy, Mr Lakhdar Brahimi, is making to achieve that objective;
  8. Deeming it essential for the Interim Government of Iraq to be given the powers and authority it will need to govern a sovereign and democratic Iraq and take the necessary steps to prepare free and fair elections as soon as possible;
  9. Stressing that it is indispensable for the international community as a whole to proceed with the organisation of humanitarian aid for the reconstruction and development of Iraq;
  10. Recognising the need to secure the agreement of the Government of Iraq on the mandate, composition and period of deployment of the multinational force that is to be stationed in Iraq to maintain security and stability in the country,

    URGES Member Governments represented in the UN Security Council and all other interested parties to agree rapidly on the modalities for placing both the transfer of power and its follow-up under the aegis of the United Nations, ensuring that all the points set out above are duly taken into account.

1 Adopted unanimously by the Committee on 2 June 2004.

2 Members of the Committee: Mr Agramunt Font de Mora (Chairman); MM Pangalos, Hancock (Vice-Chairmen); MM André, de Assis, Mrs Azevedo, Mr van Baalen, Mrs Bolognesi, Mr Delattre, Mrs Delvaux-Stehres, Mrs Durrieu, MM Goutry, Höfer, Hörster, van der Linden (Alternate: van Winsen), Lintner, Masseret, Meimarakis (Alternate: Vrettos), Nazaré Pereira, Mrs Paoletti Tangheroni, Mrs Papadimitriou, MM Piscitello, Poty, Provera (Alternate: Gaburro), Puche Rodríguez, de Puig, Rizzi, Rochebloine, Roth, Mrs Serna Masiá, Van Thijn, Ms Tritz, Lord Tomlinson (Alternate: Sir Sydney Chapman), MM Versnick, Vis, Wilkinson, ...

Associate members: MM Akçam, Ates, Benediktsson, Çavusoglu, Fajmon, Mrs Grabowska, Mr Hegyi, Mrs Herczog, MM Kaminski, Kasal, Kobielusz, Livanelli, Marthinsen, Nemeth, Pelc, Width, Wojciechowski.

N.B. The names of those taking part in the vote are printed in italics.

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� 2004, Assembly of WEU